Saturday 15 October 2011

Week 2 of the lecture thingys

So. Dear Blog. I guess.

First time EVER writing a blog. So proud of myself.
So we talked about Semiotics and about communication. He talked about how the transmitter gives a message to the receiver and how sometimes that message can get lost in noise. Even though this is widely seen as a bad thing we were thinking about how games/films use it as a good thing.
We split the information the receiver gets into 2 groups,

Redundancy which is information that is predictable to the user or expected. It makes the receiver feel comfortable eg: Disney films tend to be redundant because they are aimed at a certain age group, like "High school musical". You will never find anything surprising or interesting for that matter about dancing singing people in a high school though it perfect for the target audience.
An example of a redundant game Sims. Even though it surprisingly addictive, it was very redundant because it simulates life, which can be very repetitive.
The other type of information is Entropy. This information is unpredictable, surprising and sometimes confusing. This type of information works well in games because it enables you to be able to play them multiples times and not find it repetitive. A game like Resident Evil is very entropic because its a horror game it has to have surprising unexpected stories, moments of fear and monsters that pop out. Also things exploding        
on there screen are counted as noise because it distracts you and makes the atmosphere chaotic and therefore entropic. Because of all them things resident evil 5 was fun to play over and over again because every level (even if it looked the same) was different. I would also think MMO's are counted as entropic because you meet different people everyday so you will never exactly repeat a part of the game.
I wish you could see how many words you've written on this thing zzzzzz too lazy to count.

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